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The Role of a Learning Coach: Guiding Success for Online Students

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What does a Learning Coach do?

A Learning Coach is a parent, relative, sibling, or legal guardian who supports a K12 student’s education journey at home. By stepping into this role, you can set your student up for success in our K12 environment and beyond.

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Keep your learner on target

While K12 teachers instruct, Learning Coaches provide additional structure and support, helping students meet and exceed their learning goals.

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Power of community

Unable to fill this role? No problem. Select another family member, friend, or trusted adult to serve as your student’s Learning Coach.

What to expect

Every student has different learning needs, making your journey just as unique. However, Learning Coaches are generally responsible for:

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  • Facilitating the daily learning process (hours vary by grade level)
  • Providing ongoing academic support and guidance
  • Keeping their student on track with coursework and attendance
  • Communicating and collaborating with teachers to tailor the K12 learning experience
  • Incorporating healthy breaks and social opportunities

A peek inside the K12 process

Online school doesn’t have to be isolating or disconnected. With K12, you can help your student become an independent learner—and connect with the world around them.

A day in the life of an experienced Learning Coach

Here’s how Amanda navigated the Learning Coach life as her children progressed through their K12 learning journeys.

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The average Learning Coach time commitment

Elementary School

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  • Be very hands-on and available during most of the school day at this early stage
  • Keep your young learner motivated and on track
  • Show what to do each day and how to do it
  • Make sure your student attends live Class Connect sessions
  • Help your student begin to manage her or his time as a fledgling independent learner
  • Organize course materials and help your child build reading and writing skills
  • Lead offline activities


Middle School

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  • Continue to ensure your student’s participation in live Class Connect sessions
  • Redirect your learner to schoolwork when distractions arise
  • Actively support your child’s growth towards independent learning
  • Work to develop your student’s time-management skills


High School

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  • Support your child in becoming a fully independent learner
  • Bolster your student’s time management and ensure Class Connect attendance
  • Continue to foster motivation and focus on schoolwork in the face of distractions
  • Encourage your student to achieve the key milestone of high school graduation

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More Learning Coaches offer their game plan for success

Explore how Learning Coaches offer their game plan for success.

Explore Now

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More Learning Coaches offer tips for everyday success

Discover how Learning Coaches offer tips for everyday success.

Discover Now


Meet Connor and his family

See how Learning Coaches Heather and Matt support their son’s K12 journey while working full time.


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Tap into our Learning Coach community

Being a Learning Coach comes with many rewards—and community is one of them. Whether you have questions or need advice, K12 supports you with a safe digital space to collaborate with other Learning Coaches.

As part of our Learning Coach Community, you can:

  • Build relationships with other Learning Coaches around the country
  • Access relevant digital resources that drive student success
  • Participate in active online discussion boards
  • Receive guidance from our Customer Support Champions

Learn More

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