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Online Elementary Schools in Tennessee

Personalized Learning for Young Students in Tennessee

Students in grades 1 through 5 can receive a tuition-free* education with a K12-powered online elementary school in Tennessee. State-licensed teachers lead online classes in core subjects and electives while providing extra support to meet students where they are.

Is online elementary school in Tennessee right for my student?

Online public school may not be for everyone, but it is available for anyone. The format works well for students who are looking for a challenge as well as students who may be facing a challenge. Plus, students can connect with others through social activities such as online clubs and in-person events.

Want a little more insight? See what a day in the life of K12-powered students looks like.

A day in the life
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What will my student be learning?

The K12 curriculum at the online elementary school in Tennessee is taught by state-licensed teachers. Students take core courses including language arts, math, science, and history along with electives such as art, music, and world languages. The curriculum is integrated too, meaning that students may study an art and history lesson from the same time period of a reading assignment in their language arts class.

In addition to the live class sessions with their teachers, students complete hands-on activities such as art projects and science experiments.

Want to see what an online course looks like? View a sample lesson here.

What is my role?

You, or another responsible adult, act as your child’s Learning Coach. In this role, you help your student stay on track and monitor their progress. In online elementary school in Tennessee, Learning Coaches can expect to spend 4 to 6 hours working with their student each day.

In this role, you can be even more involved with your child’s learning while having the support of the larger Learning Coach community and a library of resources to help you along the way. Learn more about the Learning Coach role.

Schools Available for Tennessee Students

Grades K-12

Empowering Tennessee students with tuition-free, personalized at-home learning for a brighter tomorrow!

  • Jump-start the future with AP® and NCAA-approved courses.
  • FLEX programming for qualified students to work more independently.
  • Explore career and college prep opportunities with real-world skills.

Grades K-9

Tuition-free online school at TNVA. 

  • Grades K-9.
  • Learn from home.
  • Career and college prep.

Grades Pre-K-12

Personalized, private education with a supportive team of teachers and counselors.

  • Accelerate learning with dual enrollment, AP®, and NCAA-approved courses.
  • Career and college prep, including career courses starting in 6th grade.
  • Enroll full-time, part-time, or per course with year-round start dates.
  • See tuition details here

Grades K-12

A Catholic education that prepares students to excel academically and spiritually.

  • Access to Marian University programs with on-campus hybrid learning for 6-12th graders.
  • Tuition assistance for about 96% of families through Indiana Choice Scholarship.
  • Catholic education taught by licensed teachers with online experience.

Grades K-12

With more than 40 years of experience in self-paced distance learning, students reach their potential any time year-round.

  • Accelerate learning with 170+ self-paced courses.
  • Students earn college credits while in high school with dual enrollment.
  • Awarded 771 high school diplomas in 2022.
  • See tuition details here

Grades K-12

Inclusive community, engaging curriculum, and tools to be global citizens.

  • Students graduate trilingual with our Early World Language Program.
  • Seminar-based instruction with a collaborative discussion-focused approach.
  • Graduate with an associates degree with our dual enrollment program.  
  • See tuition details here
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You can purchase K12 courses to supplement your homeschool curriculum or help your student catch up, get ahead, or explore an interest. These flexible courses are available with part-time and full-time options and with convenient year-round start dates.

*Families do not pay tuition for a student to attend an online public school. Common household items and office supplies like printer ink and paper are not provided. Our enrollment consultants can help you address your technological and computer needs.