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Unlock the Power of Community

Living the #LearningCoachLife is an adventure. Working together, we can help our students succeed. The Learning Coach Community allows you to join a virtual village of Learning Coaches, get helpful answers, connect with other Learning Coaches, and even find sanity-saving advice. Now available in the Online School (OLS) or in the K12 App.

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Winning at #LearningCoachLife

K12 is randomly selecting Learning Coaches who visit and engage in the communities to win prizes that will help them excel at #LearningCoachLife.* Visit the Learning Coach Community in the Online School today by logging in with your Learning Coach credentials and clicking the Community button.

Your #LearningCoachLife Questions, Answered

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How do I access the Learning Coach Community?

You must be a registered Learning Coach in support of a student enrolled at a K12-powered school to access the Learning Coach Community. You can access the Learning Coach Community from the Online School (OLS) or the K12 App. Log in with your Learning Coach credentials and click the Community button.

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What is the purpose of this community?

The Learning Coach Community is here to support you this school year. Ask questions and get answers from Learning Coaches who’ve been in your shoes. Access engaging content, discussions, and helpful resources to assist you in your role as a Learning Coach. Share your lessons learned and find new ideas to benefit your student.

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Who can I connect with?

You can meet Learning Coaches from across the country, including those of students enrolled at your child’s school. All users are verified Learning Coaches, so you can feel safe making virtual connections. Our hope is that you’ll use this online space to find friends and inspiration, as well as lend your unique perspective to our community!

*Terms and conditions apply. See rules for details.