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A day in the life of online private school for Stephen and Kimberly (mom and Learning Coach).

Photo of Stephen


Grade 10th
Favorite Subjects
Math (Pre-Calculus), Biology
Competitive Swimming, Gaming, Reading

Why K12?

Stephen wanted a school option that would be flexible enough to fit his competitive swimming schedule and rigorous enough to get him ready for college. His mom, Kimberly, also wanted a quality private school education for him and his brother (also a competitive swimmer) that could work around her varied property management schedule since no day is the same.

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K12 Class Connect 1 image Live Classes and Assignments

Stephen’s schoolwork is a mix of scheduled, live classes called Class Connect sessions and self-guided offline assignments and activities that can be done more at his own pace to fit into his intense swimming practice and competition calendar.

A typical day may have him starting with a self-directed math lesson for precalculus on his own and then live thesis project and honors English classes later in the day, led by his state-certified teachers. The science class may have an associated lab activity and assignment he can complete later in the day or the week. If he gets stuck, he can ask the teachers questions in the live classes, via email, or during weekly office hours.

Stephen likely spends a few hours each morning at swim practice and also travels to competitive swim meets on Fridays. Most weeks, he completes his class assignments before the meets. If, for some reason, that’s not the case, he can watch class recordings or complete remaining activities over the weekend.

A benefit of schools powered by K12 is that the educational materials—a computer, textbooks, supplies for offline activities, and more—are provided.

K12 Schedule image Student Schedule

Learning Coaches typically spend between 1 to 3 hours each day with 10th grade and other high school students providing guidance and encouragement.

High schoolers are generally more independent, and this is true for Stephen.

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Having to schedule and prioritize assignments around his set live classes and swimming is teaching him time management, boundary-setting, and preparing him for the executive skills he’ll need at college. He uses different tools like his school-based schedules, an old school planner, and the calendar on his phone (which he puts in another room when he’s doing schoolwork) to keep everything organized.

Student Schedule

Daily Schedule

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Class Schedule

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K12 Curriculum image Curriculum

The number of classes students take varies per grade level and individual. For example, students in 10th grade like Stephen typically take between 3–6 subjects each semester, with maybe 2–3 of those requiring scheduled, live classes.

The other subjects are completed via self-guided assignments and skills labs in the K12 interactive online learning system.

In addition to core academic subjects, tuition-based, K12-powered private schools have a great selection of electives, including career-based, advanced, and in some cases, dual enrollment options where students can earn college credits while in high school.

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Classes schedules may vary considerably based on the individual student and their needs, their state, and any special programs.

K12 Academics image Advanced Academics

Stephen’s K12-powered online private school offers an elite college preparatory experience alongside a rigorous curriculum to help him get ready for his future.

He can dive deep into the subjects he enjoys like math and science while learning in ways that work best for him. Plus, college counselors provide one-to-one mentoring to help him find his path forward after graduation while guiding him through the steps to get there.

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Stephen’s time away from the computer looks like…

Second breakfasts after early morning swim practices, gaming with friends, and family time.

K12 Social imageSocial Time

K12-powered private schools provide opportunities for the students to be social and interact with their peers.

The online learning system is designed to be engaging, encourage collaboration, and promote asking questions. Outside of the classroom, schools provide other activities for students and parents. For example, Stephen’s private school has performing arts events (the school has a lot of artistic students), movie nights with both U.S. and international films, and culturally diverse holiday events.

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K12 Electives image Extracurriculars and Clubs

Stephen actually co-founded the gaming club at this school and now the group has over 80 students from around the world. The club is student-run and has a teacher mentor. It’s structured to be inclusive too. For example, they’re mindful that the members have different platforms, enjoy different games, and have varied access, so they discuss what to play each meeting and can have breakout rooms to play multiple games during the same session.

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K12 Student image Learning Beyond the Classroom

The K12 curriculum and online learning system are designed to work well for all students. The live classes and lessons align with the textbooks and other educational materials while the certified teachers work to connect concepts to real life for the students.

For example, when Stephen’s family took a trip to Philadelphia, his history teacher helped him work through his honors project idea. On the trip, Stephen visited historical museums and locations and used what he learned there in person to connect to what he learned in class in an end-of-semester essay. Taking online private school with you on family trips like this can be an advantage to taking education beyond school.

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Learning with K12

K12 powers a wide variety of educational options, including tuition-free public schools and tuition-based private schools. Private school options offer elite college preparatory experiences, dual enrollment opportunities, Stride Career Prep, and more, depending on the specific school. See what’s available in your area.

These are the stories of real students attending K12-powered schools and their families. Content is a combination of direct quotes and summaries from in-person interviews. Their stories each reflect their experiences at their respective schools. Actual experience can vary by student and school. These pages are designed to reflect a typical day in the life of a student attending an online K12-powered school. Individual class schedules and requirements will vary by state, school, and the individual needs of each student.

K12-powered online private schools are tuition-based. Please visit specific private school websites for tuition costs and information.